For the Love of Creation

For the Love of Creation is a faith-based initiative for Climate Justice that invites Canadian Faith communities and faith-based organizations to come together under a unified banner to mobilize education, theological reflection, local and congregational action and political advocacy for climate justice.

KAIROS: Ecological Justice

KAIROS is a joint venture ecumenical program administered by the United Church of Canada committed to a vision of ecological justice. KAIROS works in consort with social movements, in Canada and around the globe, to inspire individual and collective action around climate change.


Around the globe, GreenFaith is building a multi-faith grassroots community through outreach events, contextualized eco-theology education and organizing/campaigning skills training.Together our members create communities to transform ourselves, our spiritual institutions, and society to protect the planet and create a compassionate, loving and just world.

United Action For Justice

Learn about United Church initiatives and share all the different ways United Church people are involved in God's mission of justice, peace, and care of creation! We are working together with a wide range of other groups toward a transformed world. Listen, share, understand, and actively respond.

Green Churches Network

The Green Churches website offers resources to faith communities in Canada opting for better ecological practices while educating members to live in a way that stewards Creation. All resources on this website are free.
The Green Churches project is a legacy from an Canadian organization of the same name that was a registered charity from 2015 to 2024.