Over $220K dollars in energy costs savings for United Church buildings

By improving energy efficiency and switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy, Faithful Footprints helped United Church communities of faith cut energy costs by an average of 10% annually.

Our funding have eased financial burdens and supported sustainable economic growth for United Church communities through:

Lowering Utility Bills

Improving the efficiency of building structures and upgrading systems to modern models has reduced energy, gas, and water consumption for communities of faith. These improvements have led to lower utility bills and decreased operational expenses.

Enhancing Rental Spaces

Modernizing buildings and updating spaces has increased revenue for communities of faith by retaining regular renters and attracting new local businesses, organizations, and individuals. These improvements have led to higher rental demand and made the spaces preferred locations for various gatherings and events.

Reducing Maintenance Costs

Upgrading appliances and systems has cut maintenance expenses by reducing the need for frequent repairs on outdated equipment. By installing modern systems, communities of faith have experienced fewer breakdowns and lower overall required maintenance.

Creating Income-Generating-Opportunities 

Generating power from on-site renewable energy has provided communities of faith the opportunity to sell surplus energy, creating a passive revenue stream and contributing to the local energy grid.

Project Testimonials

“Our lighting now is 3x as efficient as before, resulting in 26,685 kWhrs of electricity annually that does not have to be generated — equivalent to a cost savings of approximately $5,500 per year. Church maintenance staff also welcome not having to replace multiple tubes and failed ballasts on a monthly basis.”

Salisbury United Church (Sherbrook, AB) | Chinook Winds Regional Council

“Switching from oil to propane has reduced our heating bills and has helped us reduce the amount we have to pay in carbon taxes.”

Trinity Manitoulin United Church (Mindemoya, ON) | Canadian Shield Regional Council

“The financials of our heating system are far superior to the old system. The new system is a much easier system to work with than the antiquated oil furnace and requires less maintenance costs.”

Berwick United Church (Berwick, NS) | Bermuda Nova-Scotia Regional Council

“Our retrofit project has made our church more inviting for community events, providing the opportunity for rental income"

Navan-Vars United Church (Navan, ON) | Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council

“In one year, our solar panels generated 39,080 kWh of which 44% was used in our building and 56% was sold to the grid via the back alley at a similar cost. We received $4,000 selling energy to the grid”

Parkdale United Church (Calgary, AB) | Chinook Winds Regional Council