We're here to make energy upgrades easier for you. We can offer tools for energy audits, quick fixes, and ecumenical resources. We can even connect you with experienced faith building specialists who can walk you through the process. 

Our research showed that congregations want to make energy and climate-friendly upgrades, but often lack the knowledge to know what to do, and support to get projects done. This program is all about helping you take the lead. We will update these resources as the program evolves.

This guide discusses low or no-cost measures to give operators of religious buildings a range of options they can apply to reduce their energy bills while adding comfort and attractiveness to their facility.  It includes a 14-page walk-through DIY energy audit.

Faith & the Common Good's sustainable building audit program is a fee-for-service program designed to help faith groups walk more gently upon our planet while improving the mission per square foot of their respective faith properties. The Green Audit  involves a minimum half-day walk-through audit of your faith community building by a trained professional Green Auditor and provides you with a comprehensive report tailored to your faith community, including recommendations for saving energy, money, heat, and water. The Green Audit also looks at air quality, food, waste, maintenance, heritage details, rental agreements and marketing to help address sustainability from all aspects of your building’s operation.

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Do-It-Yourself Faith Building Energy Audit Guide

This guide discusses low or no-cost measures to give operators of religious buildings a range of options they can apply to reduce their energy bills while adding comfort and attractiveness to their facility.  It includes a 14-page walk-through DIY energy audit.

Green Audit

Faith & the Common Good's sustainable building audit program is a fee-for-service program designed to help faith groups walk more gently upon our planet while improving the mission per square foot of their respective faith properties. The Green Audit  involves a minimum half-day walk-through audit of your faith community building by a trained professional Green Auditor and provides you with a comprehensive report tailored to your faith community, including recommendations for saving energy, money, heat, and water. The Green Audit also looks at air quality, food, waste, maintenance, heritage details, rental agreements and marketing to help address sustainability from all aspects of your building’s operation.

Supportive Resources

For the Love of Creation

For the Love of Creation

For the Love of Creation is a faith-based initiative for Climate Justice that invites Canadian Faith communities and faith-based organizations to unite under a unified banner to mobilize education, theological reflection, local and congregational action and political advocacy for climate justice. Learn more

Green Churches Network

The Green Churches Network has created the “Season of Creation in a Box” to help inspire educational, action-centered and spirituality-themed activities in your faith community on the theme of Creation Care between September 1st and October 4th.  Green Churches Network can help your church to opt for better ecological practices while educating members to live in a way that stewards creation. Learn more

KAIROS: Ecological Justice

KAIROS is committed to a vision of ecological justice where humanity lives within natural limits, in connected relation to all of creation. Inspired by eco-theology, and influenced and informed by Indigenous wisdom, KAIROS works in consort with social movements, in Canada and around the globe. To inspire you to take individual or collective action around climate change.

KAIROS Canada has a wide range of climate justice resources that can be found at: kairoscanada.org/what-we-do/ecological-justice

A Rocha Canada

A Rocha is an international Christian organization which, inspired by God’s love, engages in scientific research, environmental education, community-based conservation projects and sustainable agriculture. A terrific resource for transforming outdoor sacred spaces, they envision the transformation of people and places by showing God’s love for all creation.

 "Because we are called to be disciples to all creation, we must extend the hope of Jesus and His gift of love, to the whole world, including the non-human world."

To learn more visit: arocha.ca


Our research showed that congregations want to make energy and climate-friendly upgrades, but often lack the knowledge to know what to do, and support to get projects done. This program is all about helping you take the lead. We will update these resources as the program evolves.

Do-It-Yourself Faith Building Energy Audit Guide

DIY Walkthrough Cover.jpg

This guide discusses low or no-cost measures to give operators of religious buildings a range of options they can apply to reduce their energy bills while adding comfort and attractiveness to their facility.  It includes a 14-page walk-through DIY energy audit.

Printable Energy Efficiency Signs

Faith & the Common Good has created a series of graphics to help your faith community spread the word on how to reduce energy in your place of worship  

Worship resources

The United Church of Canada has worship resources available related to climate change and creation care, including liturgical theme ideas, prayers, resources for children, scriptural reflection and more.

You can explore these resources at: united-church.ca/worship-theme/climate-change

How to Form a Green Team

This 14-page guidebook, by Faith & the Common Good, provides practical suggestions and steps for changes you could put in place to Involve, organize, and motivate members of your faith community to take action towards eco-sustainability.

To learn more visit: faithcommongood.org/guides