Staying on Course: Stamford Lane United Prioritizes Sustainability with Boiler Replacement Project
Stamford Lane United Church (Niagara Falls) understands the importance of sustainability within its walls, recognizing that its building is much more than just a physical space. As a central hub for worship, learning, fellowship, and community outreach, the church has made it a priority to ensure its longevity and sustainability.
Congregants at Stamford Lane United are committed to maintaining its building for the future. The church has built up a talented Property Committee with experienced leadership skills, as well as a Trustee Committee that oversees and guides their planning and asset management to ensure the long term health and sustainability of the church and community of faith.
Committed to creating a more eco-friendly and welcoming environment, the church has taken several steps to improve and maintain the integrity and condition of its building, focusing on operational cost-effectiveness and energy conservation. Efforts include upgrading to ENERGY STAR-rated windows, commercial freezer, and dishwasher, installing LED lighting, weatherproofing doors, and replacing the roof and stone masonry, among other improvements.
“The planned sustainability of our building is a continuing high priority for our faith community as the church is a center and a hub for our worship experience, learning and delivery, fellowship, mission and outreach and serving as a space for many and various groups and services in the City – It is of the utmost importance that we remain on course to ensure the building has a long term integrity as it serves so many purposes our congregation and community depends upon.” shares Alastair Davis, Chair Boiler Fundraising Committee, Stamford Lane United Church, Niagara Falls, ON
An impeding boiler
Requiring extensive maintenance each year, Stamford Lane United’s 32-year-old boiler had reached the point where it was impeding on the larger sustainability goals of the church. With a sound and functioning heating system otherwise, the aging boiler caused a significance drain on finances, and was a major contributor to the church’s carbon emissions. When staff at Stamford Lane United were informed that the boiler was nearing the end of its lifespan, the time had come for a more sustainable solution.
“Replacing our boiler would positively impact our community of faith, demonstrating that we are keeping our commitment, and provide security in knowing a major operational challenge has been met and resolved” stated Davis
To carry out the replacement, Stamford Land United created a Boiler Fundraising Committee which was responsible for raising supporting funds to replace the boiler. This committee discovered The United Church of Canada’s Faithful Footprints program and immediately prepared a grant application with the enthusiastic support of their council, trustees, committees and congregation.
“We announced the Boiler fundraising plan and the approved $20,000 grant from Faithful Footprints. Everyone was surprised and motivated to learn about the major grant. They responded quickly and generously as the funding goal was achieved.” reflects Davis
Stamford Lane United allocated all funds toward the project. The church was able to upgrade its boiler with a IBC 500,000 BTU high efficiency commercial condensing boiler and a potable water boiler; integrate existing controls to new boilers with zones, and set up 7-day programmable energy management systems to both its sanctuary and gymnasium.
A year after the replacement of their boiler, Stamford Lane United reduced its weather normalized source by 30%, total GHG emissions by 42%, total GHG emission intensity by 42.4%, electricity usage by 23.5%, natural gas usage by 42.8%, and energy costs by 6.5%.
The boiler replacement not only supported Stamford Land United’s operational sustainability but also secured its continued role as a hub for connection, support, and service for members and the surrounding community.
“The Faithful Footprints grant enabled us to rapidly replace an inefficient and expensive to operate boiler – We are secure knowing we will continue a space for worship and pastoral care gatherings, kids' events, humanitarian aid initiatives, bargain boutique, alcoholics anonymous meetings, UNIFOR events, transitions programs, mission and service projects, yoga sessions, adult and junior choirs, dance lessons, and many other community activities” shares Davis.
Faithful Footprints Program
The United Church of Canada’s Faithful Footprints program offers inspiration, tools, and grants to help its faith communities reduce their carbon footprint. With the Church’s commitment to reducing its greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions by 80% by 2030, this one-of-a-kind program offers up to $30,000 in grants towards energy conservation and renewable energy projects (conditions apply).
Faith & the Common Good is the delivery partner for the Faithful Footprints program. To date, we have engaged over 500 congregations, camps, and buildings across the country. Your participation in the program puts your faith into action and helps the Church reach its target.