May 2022

Faithful Footprints May 2022 Newsletter

The Faithful Footprints Monthly Newsletter is designed to engage and provide on-going inspiration and support for United Church communities across Canada. Our monthly newsletter will be released the last Wednesday of every month.

Program Updates

Every month, the Faithful Footprints program approves several applications and welcomes new United Churches and affiliated properties into the program, as a number of congregations complete their projects and receive their final energy reduction results.

Data from April 26 - May 25, 2022

New to the program: 

  • Whitehorse United Church, Whitehorse, YT

Energy results:

Leaside United Church, Toronto, ON
A year following their projects, Leaside United reduced their GHG emission by 51.8%, natural gas usage by 52.9%, and energy costs by 8.3%.

Manor Road United Church, Toronto, ON

A year following their projects, Manor Road United reduced their GHG emission by 11.5%, natural gas usage by 11.9%, and energy costs by 8.8%.

Trinity United Church, Shelburne, ON

A year following their projects, Trinity United reduced their GHG emission by 34.6%, electricity usage by 38.1%, natural gas usage by 34.6%, and energy costs by 15.2%.

Brunswick Street United Church, Halifax, NS

A year following their projects, Brunswick Street United reduced their GHG emission by 26.8%, electricity usage by 26.8%, and energy costs by 22.4%.

Eglington St. George’s United Church, Toronto, ON

A year following their projects, Eglington St. George United reduced their GHG emission by 12.0%, electricity usage by 56.8%, natural gas usage by 8.8%, and energy costs by 50.5%.

Highlight of the Month

Faithful Footprints Western Regional Support Centre, Newo Energy is getting creative with encouraging United properties in Western Canada to join the Faithful Footprints program. From modernizing sanctuaries, caulking old windows, and insulating attic spaces, Newo energy has created the first Faithful Footprints comedic infomercial. 

Click here to watch. 

Faithful Footprints and Climate Justice

To address the global climate emergency, Faithful Footprints encourages United properties to retrofit their buildings to become more environmentally sustainable. This includes transitioning towards non-renewable energy sources and energy efficient alternatives. Beyond the Faithful Footprints program, there are many ways participating properties and their community can continue to support climate action. 

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is a global sign-on initiative focused on eliminating further exploration, development, and subsidies for new fossil fuel infrastructure, as well as the advocacy of phasing out existing fossil fuel dependence. Learn more about the initiative and sign the pledge here

Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC) 12 point Climate Action Plan is a sign-on initiative focused on encouraging diverse groups from various sectors to work together towards shared climate action goals. Learn more about the initiative and sign the pledge here.

Faithful Footprints in the News

The Faithful Footprints program is growing and is expanding its visibility country-wide. Recently, Faithful Footprints has been listed as a project under Yale’s Forum of Religion and Ecology’s Faith Action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a comprehension list of specific projects working towards the environmental SDGs. In addressing SDG 13 (Climate Action) particularly focused on the impact area of energy, Faithful Footprints has been recognized for its efforts in encouraging properties to measure their energy use and reduce their climate pollution, in ways that save money and strengthen congregational renewal.

The Yale’s Forum of Religion and Ecology is an international multireligious project contributing to a new academic field and an engaged moral force of religious environmentalism. To learn more, click here.

Faithful Footprints Monthly Blog

We have been trained to think about energy efficiency best practices for buildings in terms of improving insulation. However, in many houses of worship, air leakage is also a key contributor to heat loss. Luckily, there are several ways to reduce heat loss, including air sealing the holes in the ceilings, attic hatches and doors to attic spaces. Learn more in our new blog "Level up the energy efficiency of your building: Control air leakages" written by Faithful Footprints building manager Stephen Collette. 

Features: Calvary United Church in (London, ON). 

Faithful Footprints Monthly Blogs are published the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

May 25-27: Seeking Justice in Our Institutions

Join Citizen for Public Justice second annual virtual Justice Conference, Seeking Justice in Our Institutions. Through a variety of keynotes and workshops, this virtual conference will explore living examples of what it looks like to seek justice within our institutions and co-create more just, faithful, and healthy ways of relating to one another and to all of creation.

Register here.

The United Church is hosting an online engagement event with General Council 44 Global, Ecumenical, and Interfaith Partners to discuss urgent current and compelling issues for people of faith, such as increasing inequities, injustice and deepening polarizations. How do we lead in these times? How can people of faith engage to further the common good?

This is the second of a two part series with GC44 partners.
To register, click here

Faithful Footprints Atlantic Regional Support Centre, Ecology Action Centre is hosting an in-person conference, A Climate of Hope: Faith Communities Confront the Climate Emergency. This conference will include key-note speakers, workshops, resource sharing, and opportunities for faith communities to work together to have faith-based climate conversations. 

Register here and contact for more details 

June 7: Regional Ministers Climate Justice Roundtable - Spring 2022

The Regional Ministers Climate Justice Roundtable, co-hosted by The United Church of Canada General Council Office staff and Faith & the Common Good (FCG), is meeting this spring to foster collaborative discussions among UCC Regional Ministers, General Council Office staff and the Faithful Footprints delivery team.

Explore the Program

Explore Faithful Footprints Grants and Energy Data online interactive maps to learn more about the properties that have participated in the Faithful Footprints program as well as the energy data of finished projects.