Faithful Footprints February 2022 Newsletter
The Faithful Footprints Monthly Newsletter is designed to engage and provide on-going inspiration and support for United Church communities across Canada. Our monthly newsletter will be released the last Wednesday of every month, and it will feature:
New national and regional grants/incentives
Program updates (photos, stories, before/after energy results)
Climate justice and advocacy initiatives
Informative monthly blogs that include stories from our grants manager and program participants highlighting carbon reduction, energy efficiency, and climate justice
Upcoming events and webinars relating to climate action
New resources and tools available
Available Grants and Incentives
For Faithful Footprints grants, 50% matching funds will be required. This means that in order to receive up to $30,000, a congregation will need to demonstrate having found an additional $15,000 in matching funds. Alongside community support, donations, and congregational endowment funds; provincial and municipal grants and rebates from government or utilities are a great way to find matching funds to support your Faithful Footprints application.
NEW* - Atlantic Region:
Learn more about your specific local and regional resources and eligible incentive programs in the Atlantic, Prairies, and Western Regions.
*Work with your regional support centre coordinator and energy auditor to determine which government incentives might be applicable to your project.
Program Updates
Every month, the Faithful Footprints program approves several applications and welcomes new United Churches’ into the program, as a number of congregations complete their projects and receive their final energy reduction results.
Projects completed as of February 22, 2022:
Winchester United Church, Winchester, ON
Palmerston United Chruch, Palmerston, ON
Trinity United Church, Bobycaygeon, ON
New to the program as of February 22, 2022:
Knox United Church, Three Hills, AB
Metropolitan United Church, London, ON
Grace United Church, Dartmouth, NS
Before and After results of Winchester United Church replacing an old entrance door that was leaking a large amount of heat from its building.
Palmerston United Church replacing windows throughout its building.
Before and After results of Palmerston United Church replacing light fixtures and installing LED lights.
Trinity Providence United Church installing new LED lights throughout its entire building.
Highlight of the Month
This Valentine’s Day, Faithful Footprints encouraged United churches to show their Love for Creation by reducing their building's energy consumption and carbon emissions.
With a very green-conscious community and experience with several renovation projects, Grace United Church, in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia is showing their love and is ready to embark on a major energy-efficient and decarbonization project with the help of Faithful Footprints funding.
The community and leadership at Grace United Church see updating their facilities to better reflect their values and the reality of climate change, as part of their Christian mission in the city of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
Faithful Footprints Maps
Explore The United Church of Canada’s Faithful Footprints Grants and Energy Data online interactive maps and learn more about the properties that have participated in the Faithful Footprints program as well as the energy data of finished projects.
*Note: These maps are produced in collaboration with EDGE and are updated on a quarterly basis.
Faithful Footprints Monthly Blog
Thinking about the opportunity and role your building can play for the greater community? Read our new blog "Our Cultural Heritage and Community Engagement" written by Faithful Footprints building manager Stephen Collette.
Faithful Footprints Monthly Blogs are published the 2nd Tuesday of every month.
Upcoming Events and Webinars
March 2 - April 14: Give it up for the Earth!
To mark the season of Lent, join Citizens for Public Justice and For the Love of Creation and participate in the faith-in-action climate justice campaign, Give it up for the Earth! To register, click here.
Give it up for the Earth! raises awareness about climate change and mobilizes people across Canada to reduce household greenhouse gas emissions, engage in acts of solidarity, and collect signatures as a demonstration of support for increased federal government action.
June 7: Regional Ministers Climate Justice Roundtable - Spring 2022
The Regional Ministers Climate Justice Roundtable, co-hosted by The United Church of Canada General Council Office staff and Faith & the Common Good (FCG), is meeting this spring to foster collaborative discussions among UCC Regional Ministers, General Council Office staff and the Faithful Footprints delivery team.