Faithful Footprints March 2022 Newsletter
The Faithful Footprints Monthly Newsletter is designed to engage and provide on-going inspiration and support for United Church communities across Canada. Our monthly newsletter will be released the last Wednesday of every month, and it will feature:
New national and regional grants/incentives
Program updates (photos, stories, before/after energy results)
Climate justice and advocacy initiatives
Informative monthly blogs that include stories from our grants manager and program participants highlighting carbon reduction, energy efficiency, and climate justice
Upcoming events and webinars relating to climate action
New resources and tools available
Available Grants & Incentives
For Faithful Footprints grants, 50% matching funds will be required. This means that in order to receive up to $30,000, a congregation will need to demonstrate having found an additional $15,000 in matching funds. Alongside community support, donations, and congregational endowment funds; provincial and municipal grants and rebates from government or utilities are a great way to find matching funds to support your Faithful Footprints application.
NEW* - Ontario Only: Save On Energy - Small Business Program
Program Updates
Every month, the Faithful Footprints program approves several applications and welcomes new United Churches’ into the program, as a number of congregations complete their projects and receive their final energy reduction results.
Data from February 23 - March 24, 2022
New to the program:
Huron Shores United Church, Grand Bend, ON
Riverbend United Church, Edmonton, AB
Dundalk United Church, Dundalk, ON
First United Church, Wetaskiwin, AB
Trinity United Church, Acton, ON
Projects completed:
Shawville United Church, Shawville, QC
Received a grant in support of the installation of high-quality, low-energy fans in their sanctuary and hall, as well as the installation of a new electric boiler and hot-water heater.
Before and After results Shawville United Church replacing old boiler
New systems throughout Shawville United Church
Eastminster United Church, Belleville, ON
Received a grant in support of the installation of high-efficient beam-mounted lights with dimmer control in their chapel and parlour, energy-efficient outdoor lighting, increased insulation in their attic, as well as the installation of energy-efficient fridges and freezers.
Before and After lighting results in Eastminster United Church's Chapel
Outdoor lighting at Eastminster United Church
Energy results:
Bethany United Church, Halifax, NS
A year following their projects, Bethany United reduced their GHG emission by 24.7%, electricity usage by 8.3%, natural gas usage from a fuel source by 28.9%, and energy costs by 33.5%.Prairie Spirit United Church, Winnipeg, MB
A year following their projects, Prairie Spirit United reduced their electricity usage by 3.3%.Gordon King United Church, Winnipeg, MB
A year following their projects, Gordon King United reduced their electricity usage by 7.8%.
Highlight of the Month
Metropolitan United Church in London, Ontario is ready to celebrate 200 years of ministry by renovating their sanctuary. With the support from Faithful Footprints funding, Metropolitan United plans to replace lighting fixtures and install energy-efficient dimmable LED lightbulbs.
With a strong ministerial and congregational leadership, combined with an excellent relationship with London Symphonia, the new and improved renovations will provide an upgraded rental space for the London Smphonia and other performing groups in the local area.
Faithful Footprints Maps
Explore The United Church of Canada’s Faithful Footprints Grants and Energy Data online interactive maps and learn more about the properties that have participated in the Faithful Footprints program as well as the energy data of finished projects.
*Note: These maps are produced in collaboration with EDGE and are updated on a quarterly basis.
Faithful Footprints and Climate Justice
The United Church of Canada Climate Justice Newsletters, featured Faithful Footprints in February and March. Click here to read United Church of Canada’s latest Climate Justice Newsletter for the month of March highlighting Earth Day resources.
Faithful Footprints Monthly Blog
Light Emitting Diodes, also known as LED lights, have been filling all the gaps within the lighting world today. From aesthetics, to energy and cost savings, read our new blog "LED Lights – A Bright Idea for Your Faith Building" written by Faithful Footprints building manager Stephen Collette and find out why your faith community building should switch to LED lighting.
Faithful Footprints Monthly Blogs are published the 2nd Tuesday of every month.
Beyond the Church
The Bissell Centre is a non-profit based in Edmonton, Alberta that is affiliated with the United Church. Bissell Centre’s COO, Louise Traynor sat down with Faithful Footprints western regional support coordinator Cari Kilmartin at Newo Energy, to discuss Bissell’s experience completing a LED retrofit at their thrift store, with the support of the Faithful Footprints program.
To read the full article, click here.
Get to Know Your Building
Is your congregation looking for information and tools to help make your operations as energy and cost-efficient as possible? Utilize Faith & the Common Good’s professional knowledge through their Green Audits. Part of FCG’s faith property audit program, theses audits are designed to help faith communities learn more about their buildings, by looking at energy, air quality, food, water, waste, maintenance, rental agreements, heritage, and much more.
“A Green Audit was done, helping our church identify three areas in the Sanctuary that needed consideration.”
- Bethany United Church, Halifax, NS
With the knowledge from a green audit, Bethany United Church was able to identify major leakage and decay near their window frames, the dysfunctionality and sizing issues of the fans in their sanctuary, as well as the inefficiency of their outdated lighting.
For more information contact Faithful Footprints Building Manager, Stephen Collette at 705-652-5159 (EST) or email
Remembering Bill Phipps
As the 36th Moderator of the United Church of Canada from 1997 to 2000, and co-founder of Faith & the Common Good, Bill Phipps had a dedicated heart for serving people and the environment. He was a respected advocate in the spaces of social justice, relations with First Nations, poverty, and grass roots community organizing. He preached for the common good, inspiring many others along his path to do the same. As a memoriam of his lifelong work, Faithful Footprints is committed to continue his ministry through our program.
"My whole ministry, my whole career has been focused on social and economic justice regardless of where I was being minister, that was where my focus was." - Bill Phipps, FCG AGM 22’
“We are honoured to continue his work in our own small way.” - Elyse Brazel, FCG Network Coordinator
To learn more about the life and ministry of Bill, watch his memorial service and read his obituary.
Upcoming Events and Webinars
March 2 - April 14: Give it up for the Earth!
To mark the season of Lent, join Citizens for Public Justice and For the Love of Creation and participate in the faith-in-action climate justice campaign, Give it up for the Earth! To register, click here.
Give it up for the Earth! raises awareness about climate change and mobilizes people across Canada to reduce household greenhouse gas emissions, engage in acts of solidarity, and collect signatures as a demonstration of support for increased federal government action.
May 14: GSS Ottawa’s Energy Benchmarking Conference
Join Faith & the Common Good’s Greening Sacred Spaces Ottawa Chapter in celebrating the amazing impact of the Energy Benchmarking Program. The event will showcase the program results - highlighting its 10 case studies document, networking map, and the launch of the GSS Faith Community Bond.
The conference will be in-person at the AMA Community Centre on Saturday May 14th from 2-4pm EST.
June 7: Regional Ministers Climate Justice Roundtable - Spring 2022
The Regional Ministers Climate Justice Roundtable, co-hosted by The United Church of Canada General Council Office staff and Faith & the Common Good (FCG), is meeting this spring to foster collaborative discussions among UCC Regional Ministers, General Council Office staff and the Faithful Footprints delivery team.